Monday, September 8, 2008

Fund Raiser Update

I'm not too sure how I ended up surrounding myself with such a truly wonderful group of people. I have had my ups and downs, lefts and rights, and the notion of having this kind of support defies any description.

In just a few short weeks, over $1,800 was donated to my campaign to raise funds for Daniel Pemsler's Memorial Scholarship with Outward Bound. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what to expect and I found myself getting quite nervous about the effort. Yet with people like you guys behind me and the response so far, I know it is the right thing to do.

With one and a half months until d-day, the goal of $2,500 is undoubtedly obtainable. If you are reading this and haven't had a chance to participate, I urge you to send whatever you can. Any amount will help and I am appreciative of any and all efforts. Click on the link to the right for more info.

Thanks for your help keeping DP's spirit strong in our lives.

1 comment:

Jenessa said...

That's fantastic! (Your blog popped up on my Outward Bound Google alert.) The newsletter featuring your campaign will drop this week. Maybe you'll put 2 kids on course!